Getting rid of clutter ORGANIZER IN CHIEF Do you suffer from a paper pile up in your home? Junk mail, old magazines, newspaper clippings, circulars … it’s easy to let it take over your space! Stay tuned for some strategies to rid your home of the paper clutter. Step One Discard! Discard! Discard! Junk mail and catalogs are like door-to-door …
Magazines. We all love to buy them, flip through them. But what then? We save them, piles and piles of them. We can’t get rid of them. God forbid, we might want that recipe for banana cream pie in the Good Housekeeping, May 1965. So, what do you do? Start Clipping Clip out that wonderful recipe. Tear out that great …
Organizing Your Home Office
A dedicated home office is practical for everyone, whether it’s where you pursue a career or simply pay the bills. But finding the space to set it up, let alone make it efficient and comfortable, can be daunting. Don’t have an entire room to convert to an office? No problem! With some reconfiguring, a surprising number of spaces throughout the …
Avoiding the Paper Pile-Up
Do you suffer from a paper pile up in your home? Junk mail, old magazines, newspaper clippings, circulars, etc. Stay tuned for some strategies to rid your home of the paper clutter. Step One Discard! Discard! Discard! Junk mail and catalogs are like door-to-door salespeople. Occasionally, you’re interested in what they are selling, but more often than not, you are …