No one wants to wake up with a headache, stomach pain, or other ailment only to discover that the medicine cabinet is empty or in shambles. Keep basic medicines, first aid supplies, and other items in good order and within easy reach.
- The first step is to purge your medicine cabinet. Get rid of all medicine and first-aid products which have passed their expiration date on the label. Dispose of them safely, by flushing or garbage disposal, to prevent children or pets finding it.
- Discard liquid medicine that has turned cloudy, stretched-out ace bandages, rusty tweezers and scissors.
- After you have purged, re-stock, but don’t overstock. Rely on a group of basic medical and first-aid supplies to give you maximum benefits with minimal medicine.
Here are some basic suggestions:
– Pain reliever
– Cold medicine
– Upset stomach medicine
– Antibiotic ointment
– Hydrocortisone cream
– Bandages
– Rubbing alcohol
– Scissors & tweezers
– Thermometer
Now, where do you store it all?
Did you know that the bathroom is the worst place to store your medicine? The buildup of heat and humidity in most bathrooms can cause medicines to lose their potency and expire before the expiration date on the label.
Medicine should be stored in a cool, dry place. A kitchen cabinet is an ideal place. Make sure to keep the medicine in a locked container or a high shelf that children can’t access. A plastic turntable on the shelf provides easy access.
Once you have your medicine cabinet in good shape, give it regular tune-ups. Every couple of months, take a few minutes for a mini sort and purge.